Thursday, December 16, 2010

Snowplowing Update - City of Indianapolis Roads are Just as Bad as the Interstates

The City of Indianapolis, led by Mitch's fellow Republican, Mayor Greg Ballard, has also presented motorists with an embarrassing, incompetent and dangerous snow removal effort, this morning.

I am aware of Republicans' much-advertised distaste for government, but there are some things centralized government can do fairly well, if administered correctly, chief among them is plowing the streets.

Getting the streets plowed is true public safety. If the Republicans aren't willing to commit their energies to these basic and essential public services, then they ought run for other offices where the consequences of their inaction cannot so profoundly imperil the lives of over a million people.

Mitch Daniels Fails to Get the Roads Plowed

We had a little snow, last night. Maybe 3" - 4". Nothing much. It fell softly and steadily, all night.

Despite the predicted and not overwhelming snowfall, Mitch Daniels failed to get the Indianapolis Interstates plowed for this morning's commute. The Interstates looked untouched, with the car tires making wagon tracks through the snow. The commute on the Interstates was unbearable.

This failure to perform basic governmental services is nothing but rank incompetence from Daniels. Instead of making another trade summit to a foreign country, Mitch, how about you stay home to run the state and put together a good road plowing plan?

Harrison Ullman once correctly described Indianapolis Mayor Stephen Goldsmith's snow removal plan as "Wait 'til May." What is it about Republicans that cause them to focus their attentions so heavily on matters that have very little benefit for the people, while ignoring the prosecution of basic governmental services that ensure a decent quality of life for the entire population?

When the largest city in the State can't get to work quickly and safely after a modest snowfall, you're not doing your job, and you're continuing to mire Indianapolis in its longstanding and notorious mediocrity. If Indy can't play with the big boys on something as easy as snow removal, Indy can't expect to be regarded as a first-rank city.