Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Come On, Hypocritical Republican Scum , Show Me the Conservatism

Republicans love their pork as much as any other party. Congresswoman Betty McCollum (D-MN) is offering a conservative plan to remove government funding of NASCAR and other sports. Any true Conservative knows that the government has no business funding race teams or fishing events, but the hypocritical Republicans scum are only "conservative" when they don't like what's being funded. Under such a bitter lens, cerebral NPR is cut, while troglodyte NASCAR and the NFL are sacrosanct.

Since it seems our government is bound to spend excessively, let's use the billions we waste on pro sports and fix a few bridges with it. Let's end these stupid wars and exercises into empire and bring that money back home and build a few rail lines.

Republicans, if you want to have any credibility, you'll support conservatism, regardless of the side of the aisle from which it's offered.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

High Gas Prices Demand Police Vehicle Reform

It is absolutely immoral for cops to be driving around 12 mpg vehicles while gas is northward of $2.50 a gallon, now well over $3.00, a gallon.

Almost everything a cop does in a car can be accomplished in a Corolla that gets well over double the mileage.

It is further flatly unconscionable for the taxpayers to be buying free gas for police to use to run personal errands in fuel-inefficient cars.

We must immediately move police into more fuel-efficient cars through a program that could be called "Cops in Corollas." We must also immediately end the practice of take-home cars, unless the officer with such a car reimburses the City $600 a month to cover the use of the car, plus all gas the officer uses in non-police driving.

This take-home car benefit has become so outlandish and excessive that it's akin to giving every cop a $7,000 undeclared raise.

There is absolutely no reason why an Indy cop cannot conduct his business in one of these: